Friday, June 12, 2015

What do I intend to do here?

I want to post some of my thoughts, some of my music reviews (music is my life!) and some of my writings, like short stories or else.

Why do I do it here?

Because I don't want to do it on Facebook anymore. Facebook is a big melting pot of vanities. And Facebook is mainly about pictures, not about words. Facebook is about showing photos and hoping that somebody will "like" them. Or, to paraphrase Ray Davies, it's "People take pictures of themselves, Just to prove that they really existed ..."

Facebook is not about content. If you write something on Facebook, it is barely retrieved by search engines. If I'd write a review about a certain CD, chances are that nobody will pay attention to it on Facebook, because my review will get lost in the flood of photos, videos, "status updates" etc. I prefer to have my review indexed by a search engine, so that anybody who might be interest in the reviewed music, may read it here.